Author: Wegs

I'm a 49 year old, twice divorced guy with a 20 year old. The blog has morphed a bit lately. Not just sports or dating, social commentary and now some stories from my past experience.

For the past 21 months or so, the NFL has been embroiled in this debate about the National Anthem.  Today, the NFL actually put in place a policy which states that all players must stand for the National Anthem.  Here is the ESPN article on the details: Brief History of the Issue In 2016, […]

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I’ve said this before.  Baseball was my first love, but over the years, I just can’t do it.  The season is soooo long.  I do like watching a game or two here and there during the season.  I tune in for the playoffs.  For years, my buddies and i used to do a Home Run […]

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