People that know me understand that there is no one more passionate or consumed by sports. Sports has been such a big part of my life, and truly, they continue to be. I can thank sports, my coaches and teammates for so many things – work ethic, competitive spirit and lifelong friendships. I started this humble blog to talk about sports over 2 years ago, in fact. It has morphed into many things from comical dating stories to recounting times in my Peace Corps experience to other observations.
In most years, this week would start my most favorite part of the year. Fantasy Football season. I’ve played Fantasy Football for 16 straight years, and even played pre-internet in college in 1994-1996 before that. It is my favorite pasttimes. Normally, I’ll spend no less than 15 hours combing through information on teams, players, offensive systems, and the like to craft the perfect list on Draft Day. I have my first Draft tomorrow, and candidly, my heart just isn’t in it this year.
When the COVID-19 pandemic started hitting us in March, I wrote some articles about it. Personally, I was more upset about missing my annual guys trip and being robbed of my second passion, the NCAA Tournament. However, over time, I’ve grown less selfish about the pandemic. I have found my own way to enjoy my life despite the restrictions, including, yep, playing sports – beach volleyball – as much as I possibly can to stay sane. Yet, with every passing day, this year has made me realize how divided we are in our nation. It is really sad.
Most people say we live in 2 different nations – Red or Blue. Red being a Republican state or area and Blue being a Democrat state or area. Or White and Black along racial lines. I really see it differently. I think we live in more like 4 Americas.
America 1: The Shut Up and Play America
There are people in this country, and people surprisingly close to home for me in my family and otherwise that don’t believe in anything that has happening. The Corona Virus is a hoax people. Masks are a political statement people. A lot of these people also believe a person getting shot in the back 7 times is justice people. The Make America Great, Again people. The NBA players are babies for not playing people. Kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful people.
I don’t respect this America, and it makes me sad that it has a shot of continuing with strong political support in November.
America 2: Continue Our Lives as We Know It Through Ignorance America
I probably fall into this category a lot of the time. The life isn’t so bad people. America is better than most countries, so you have to accept things as they are people. I can only control what is in my home and backyard people. I feel terrible about what is happening, but what can I do people. If I just live my life and keep my head down, then everything will work out people.
Unfortunately, I think a majority of economically stable and likely white America falls into this category. When the Black Lives Matter movement called for more advocates, they were talking to this America because America 1 would never listen. It’s not just along racial lines, however it is a place where if you have something then you don’t want to lose it, and like I said I’m here most of the time, too.
America 3: Active Advocates America
This is the March for Justice America. People who are not afraid to post about social injustice people. Get in arguments for something they believe in people. Live unapologetically people. Change must happen now people.
Sure, it is probably with a lot less to lose than America 1 or America 2, but isn’t that what America was founded? I do respect this America a lot. I was in this America and believe that what I do for work helps put me close to it, but I only live in this America from time to time. Yet, this group is stirring the conversation, and for that, I hope there will be change.
America 4: Oppressed America
This America is being screwed by the system people. Shot in the back or choked by a police officer with no justice people. Racism is part of daily life people. Deportation is a daily fear people. One false step or potential sudden movement will cost you your life people. How can there be hope if there is no opportunity people.
This group has been here since the founding of our country. At one time, it was everyone who lived in this America. The 13 colonies were the oppressed from a foreign power. Somehow, it became only select groups who’s rights and lives mean less than the others. America 1 doesn’t care about them. America 2 feels bad but can’t risk to help. America 3 is trying their damndest, but it can’t stop the horror that is happening.
I know a lot of people who have been loyal readers may disagree with this post, and that is ok. It’s my blog. America is in a very sad place right now. I’m going to go to my Draft tomorrow more to see friends because it is what I need to do to make it through a pandemic in what has become a more racist America than I ever knew it to be.
I wrote a while back that sports are an opiate of the masses, and that is completely true. More than probably ever in my lifetime. An escape into something that anyone can watch and rally around. Well, even I can’t bring myself to fully participate in sports viewing or fantasy sports with all that has happened.

I fully support the NBA and MLB boycotts. The NFL probably won’t follow suit given the salary structure which leaves the players with absolutely no leverage. I would support a boycott there, too, though, despite my love for the NFL. Beyond the election in November, which could bring change, it’s time for America 2 and hopefully, America 1 to join America 3 to help America 4. If not, I’m truly fearful of what could happen in our country. We are at a unique time in history, and a Fantasy Football Draft is not a priority right now. I apologize to the few people who may have relied on my advice. Best of luck if you do play this year. I just hope something changes the course of current events, and hope is not a strategy.
Thanks for reading.
About the author
I'm a 49 year old, twice divorced guy with a 20 year old. The blog has morphed a bit lately. Not just sports or dating, social commentary and now some stories from my past experience.
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I am completely blown away…thank you for choosing to not only touch but grab with both hands what others won’t (with a 10ft pole).
Thank you 🙏🏽
You nailed the article, Wegs. Happy that you are posting again. I can’t recall the country being more divided that it is now. And unfortunately we have a buffoon in charge that is only fanning the flames. It’s unfortunate that so many people remain in denial about what’s been happening in America since day one but I am glad that slowly but surely White America is acknowledging the evils of the system in place and can show some compassion to those less entitled and privileged. I don’t think we’ll ever have a United America but hopefully change comes in some shape or form slowly but surely. Fingers crossed.
Thanks, Aaron. You know how much I love this time of year, and our country has been just in a really bad place. I hope some things will change, but as you say, leadership really makes a difference.