So, as I’ve written in past posts, I am a Jordan fan.  I grew up watching MJ.  In fact, the 1st time I ever remember seeing Jordan play was against the Boston Celtics in 1986, Game 1, Eastern Conference 1st Round series.  For those that are not NBA historians, the 1986 Celtics were arguably that team’s best.  The Celtics had won titles with the Bird-Parrish-McHale group in 1981 and again in 1984, but this team in 1986 also had now Hall of Famer, Bill Walton, coming off the bench.  The Celtics would go on to win the title in 1986 over the Houston Rockets, which was in a way disappointing as the Celtics-Lakers rivalry was in full bloom having faced each other in 1984 and 1985.  With all that said, the Chicago Bulls were not good, but Michael Jordan had broken his foot early in the season.  Bulls management didn’t want MJ to come back, but the kid in his 2nd season with the Bulls did.  Well, thank goodness for the Bulls fans and me, a kid who didn’t have cable tv at home, but was on the road with my family in a Motel 6 near Iowa City.  Jordan lit up the mighty Celts for 63 points that night, in a loss….  I was hooked, and literally I would watch every game I could or even listen on the radio really just tabulating how many Jordan would score.  Most of the world knows what happened after that, Jordan after finally besting the Pistons (after losing 3 straight years to them), went on to win 3 straight titles in 91, 92, 93, then retire missing a full season and almost all of the next season, but returned to lose that year to Orlando, and finally winning 3 more in 96, 97 and 98.  Oh yeah, he came back at like 40 years old to play 2 seasons for the Wizards as a GM.  Not the same player, but he still could score.

That was a big digression, but the point is, I’m the biggest Jordan fan there is.  So, for the past 15 years anyone who wants to compare Lebron James or “King James” to MJ, I destroy them every time.  Still, Lebron is continuing to do things that not even Jordan did.  I want to go into this debate, like everyone else does.  However, keep in mind, to convince me, it better be a good argument.

Raw Stats

We live in a world of metrics.  I actually love metrics and statistical analysis.  You would be surprised how stats do tell the story if you look at the right ones.  After last year’s playoffs, I started a simple spreadsheet with who I would consider the Top 10 players of all time.  I put together various statistics for both the Regular Season and Playoffs.  Here they are:

  • Games
  • Points
  • Scoring Average
  • Assist Average
  • Rebound Average
  • Field Goal Percentage
  • Field Goal Attempts
  • Field Goals Made
  • Free Throw Percentage
  • Free Throw Attempts
  • Free Throws Made
  • NBA Titles
  • MVPs
  • Scoring Titles

My 10 guys are:  MJ, Lebron, Magic, Kareem, Kobe, Bill Russell, Shaq, Tim Duncan, Larry Bird and Wilt Chamberlain.

Now, some things stand out immediately when you look at Lebron’s numbers.  The dude has played in a ton of games.  Of the 10 guys, Lebron has played in the 5th most Regular Season games.  That’s a lot, and already has played in 71 more games than Jordan (mostly due to injury and those lost baseball seasons) because technically they both have played in 15 seasons.  Guys like Kareem played forever.  Kareem played in a crazy 1560 regular season games that is 417 more games than Lebron (that would be over 5 seasons worth).

However, the Playoff games is where Lebron has put in the work.  Now, in Kareem’s day and even MJ’s, the playoffs were a lot shorter.  Now, all series are 7 games, which adds stats against not as good opponents.  However, Lebron has already passed Kobe in playing the 3rd most playoff games ever at 228 (and counting) with Kobe at 220, and only Kareem (237) and Tim Duncan (251).  So, total games played Lebron will most likely get to at least 3rd all time (playoffs and regular season).  To me, longevity is definitely a measure of greatness.

The other thing Lebron does that no one else did was produce in every statistical category.  Lebron is the only player of the Top 10 to average over 27 points (27.2), over 7 assists (7.2), over 7 rebounds (7.4) in the Regular Season.  The closest player to get close to those numbers was Larry Bird who averaged 24.3 Points, 6.3 Assists and 10 Rebounds.  Obviously, the big guys like Wilt and Kareem were much higher in Rebounds.  Jordan was the most prolific Regular Season scorer with Wilt at 30.1 PPG, and solid at 5.3 Assists and 6.2 Rebounds.  However, Lebron is statistically the highest all around player of all time.

When it comes to the playoffs, Lebron actually takes his game up a notch, like most from the list.  Lebron is now 2nd in Playoff Scoring average to MJ (by a lot, but still – 33.4 for MJ to 28.7 for Lebron).  Again, though, Lebron averages 7 Assists and 8.9 Rebounds per game in the playoffs compared to Jordan’s 5.7 Assists and 6.4 Rebounds.  One could have the argument that Jordan accounted for more total points – 44.8 Points (Assists to Buckets plus Points) to Lebron’s 42.7, but the Rebound margin is substantial.  All around, Magic Johnson has incredible numbers with 19.5 PPG, 12.3 Assists and 7.7 Rebounds, but in total points produced 44.1 Points is just behind Jordan.

You may say, what about defense, Wegs?  MJ was better, right?  My comparison did not cover that per se, but in watching both of these guys play, I would say both players are excellent defenders.

So, statistically speaking besides pure scoring average, Lebron is at a minimum on par with Jordan and most people would say Lebron is better.  Yes, Jordan was a better FT shooter, and in MJ’s era the 3 point shot wasn’t as big a part of things.  However on pure stats, Lebron has played more games and is better in the big categories than MJ and the other 8 top players.

Qualitative Analysis

Jordan was a killer.  No doubt.  MJ hit a ton of last second shots.  I mean everyone knows the shot on Craig Ehlo, but the dude hit shots so many times and I wish he didn’t come back to play for the Wizards, so his last shot would have been the game winner over the Jazz in 1998.  Lebron definitely was not a big shot guy early in his career.  In fact, one of my key points with the Heat was Ray Allen saved the Heat against the Spurs in 2013 not Lebron.  In fact, in my view, Lebron choked on the possession before the Allen jumper that forced OT and eventually led to the win and NBA title.  Here is what I will say.  This season (2018), Lebron is doing what MJ always did.  Lebron is putting his team on his back and hitting 3 key shots in the 1st 2 series of the playoffs this year.  Lebron hit the game winner in Game 5 against Indiana – a 3 at the buzzer.  He also hit a game tying jumper against Toronto in Game 1, which effectively eliminated the Raptors then.  Not to mention, he hit that crazy runner on Saturday night off the backboard at the buzzer to win Game 3.

Do I think Lebron is a better closer than Jordan?  No, I do not, but clearly he has worked on his ability to do so.  Kobe was as good a closer as Jordan in his prime.  However, Lebron has been able to shed that moniker of “not a closer” in my mind this playoffs.  Of course, early playoff series are not the Conference Finals or even Finals, but let’s see what happens.

Other elements of Qualitative Analysis is pretty clear, both Jordan and Lebron are the best of their generation.  I would also argue that before the past 4 years or so MJ’s generation of players were better.  I mean MJ had to get through the Celtics and Pistons to get to the Finals and then best top players like Magic Johnson, Patrick Ewing, John Stockton, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, and Clyde Drexler to win his titles.  Lebron’s Eastern Conference is not good, and really never had the quality teams Jordan faced, however the Finals have been tougher in a way.  Golden State is possibly the best team of all time right with those late 90s Bulls teams and late 80s Lakers’ teams.  Lebron got one title from them.  He also had to beat a San Antonio Spurs team that was a slow burning dynasty.  So, what I would say is that Jordan’s era was tougher, especially to get to the Finals, but Lebron has had to play tougher teams in the Finals.  In fact, despite the 3-5 record in the Finals, if Lebron can will this crappy Cavs team to a title over the Warriors this year, then it’s going to be hard to not put him on par with Jordan.

I would say that Qualitatively or the “Eye Test” puts Lebron right on par with MJ.  I hate to say it, but the combination of the length of time he is doing it along with the increased production means that he is the best of his generation and very close to Jordan.  Lebron can close games now, so at a minimum this level is a push.

Awards and Accomplishments

The last category I look at in judging the Top 10 is what did they do.  I looked NBA Titles, MVPs – both regular season and Finals, and Scoring titles.  Now, like I said before, to me, MJ is the best scorer the NBA has ever seen.  He won an astonishing 10 scoring titles.  The next closest was Wilt Chamberlain with 7.  Nobody scored better than MJ and no one ever will.  Lebron is playing great in this playoff run, but what he is doing this year scoring is what Jordan did every year.

MVPs are of course slanted in a way.  We all know that Jordan could have won the MVP every year, as could Lebron.  Lebron will be 1st or 2nd in the voting again this year.  Kareem had 6.  Jordan had 5.  Lebron has 4 currently.  I think he needs 1 more to at least tie Jordan to get this argument out of the way, and if it is not this year, then I think it will be next year.  Lebron will end up with at least 5, trust me.  That leaves only one more thing – winning.

When it comes to titles, Bill Russell is the King.  11 titles.  That is MJ and Kobe combined.  Russell is the best winner of all time, and it can’t be argued.  Now, then you have Kareem and Jordan with 6 titles each.  Yes, Jordan may have won 2 more titles if not for baseball (I believe that), but we will never know.  Lebron has 3 right now.  To truly get over the top over Jordan, he will need to win 2 more titles.  Why?  Well, a 3-6 or 4-7 record in the Finals is impressive in the number he got to, but Russell won 11 titles.  Jordan was perfect and not with 3, but 6-0.  This is really the last true argument a Jordan fan can make.

When it comes to Awards, then Jordan still has Lebron beat.  More Scoring Titles, More MVPs – regular season and Finals and most importantly more titles.  Lebron needs to get to 5 titles to jump MJ here.

Final Analysis

Lebron is incredible, no doubt.  I think it is safe to say that Lebron at this time is the 2nd best player of all time.  His production in every category, longevity and improvement have made him in the conversation.  To me, MJ is still the best based on the Awards and Accomplishments.  However, if Lebron can somehow win 2 more titles (that’s 5), then he can surpass MJ in my eyes.  He will have more raw stats than MJ, one less title but many more title appearances and I’d imagine he will pick up the requisite Regular Season MVP and 2 Finals MVPs to get there, too.

This is one man’s opinion.  Join the debate.  What do you think?
